Basic robot workstation

Variantes: 800x800 mobile

Referencia: RBTX-ITEM-0020

The Basic Robot Workstation from item Industrietechnik GmbH serves as a compact base frame for working with robots. Thanks to the item Groove Plate, the work surface can be used in a variety of ways. The robot and other components can be positioned individually. The lockable base cabinet provides sufficient space for the electrical equipment. It is stowed away safely and protected from dust. Cables can be routed to the robot arm through a brush strip above the two doors.

Note: Depending on the scaling of the solution, operating mode and robot model, the stability and design must be checked. On request, item will be happy to help you customise this application to meet the individual requirements of your project.

Plazo de entrega habitual: 3 semanas

800x800 mm

Nuestros destacados


Note: Depending on the scaling of the solution, operating mode and robot model, the stability and design must be checked. On request, item will be happy to help you adapt this application to the individual requirements of your project.

Technical details

  • Robot connection with item robot mounting plates for various robot manufacturers and models

  • Mobile thanks to heavy-duty lifting castors with feet and integrated height adjustment

  • Base cabinet with suspension for the control unit, battery, etc.

  • Work surface with continuous grooves

  • Integrated base cabinet with two doors

  • Two handles for easy transportation

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