Parallel gripper CGS2-40 Series - | Pneumatic

Variantes: Standard version

Referencia: RBTX-IPR-0001

Versatile, affordable and robust - the universal gripper for every application

2-jaw universal parallel gripper with a wide range of variants and various application options

Plazo de entrega habitual: 3 semanas

Stroke per jaw

Nuestros destacados


product characteristics

  • Interchangeable with commonly used universal grippers

  • Long gripper fingers possible due to maximum guide length of the base jaws

  • Extended maintenance intervals through lubricant pockets as grease reservoir

  • Up to 15% lighter than the benchmark due to weight-optimized construction

  • Crash and impact resistant due to proven sliding guide

  • Oval piston for maximum power density and minimal interference contour

  • Common external sensors can be attached

  • Optimized jaw position detection for secure handling, type recognition, and quality control (available optionally)

RBTX tool ICON v1 lil -svg

Technical details

  • Version

    : Standard version

  • Recommended handling weight

    : 0.64 kg

  • External gripping force

    : 117 N

  • Internal gripping force

    : 128 N

  • Stroke per jaw

    : 2.5 mm

  • Max. finger length

    : 70 mm

  • Max. mass per finger

    : 0.12 kg

  • Repeatability

    : 0.01 mm

  • Mass

    : 0.09 kg

  • Opening time

    : 0.015 s

  • Closing time

    : 0.015 s

  • Air consumption per cycle

    : 0.01 l

  • Nominal Operating Pressure

    : 6 bar

  • Minimum Operating Pressure

    : 3 bar

  • Maximum Operating Pressure

    : 8 bar

  • Maximum Lockout Air Pressure

    : 1 bar

  • Minimum Operating Temperature

    : +5 °C

  • Maximum Operating Temperature

    : +80 °C

  • Maximum Moment Mx

    : 10 Nm

  • Maximum Moment My

    : 12 Nm

  • Maximum Moment Mz

    : 5 Nm

  • Maximum Tensile/Compressive Force

    : 250 N

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